Yes is a frequency

Since our human consciousness is formed within the governance of the Law of Polarity, we evaluate energy as either positive, neutral or negative. Negative contracts, resists and holds; neutral is detached, uncommitted and impartial; positive expands, flows and distributes. “Negative” linguistically translates to the position of no. Positive is the position of yes. Neutrality is the tenuous positions of maybe, whatever… or “I don’t care”.

Most of us were conditioned to consider positive as right or good, and negative as wrong or bad. These are relative perceptions based on various factors, such as values, beliefs, family patterns, social expectations and religious doctrine.

Perception develops into thought, or sentences comprised of words. Each word has one or more meanings, and each meaning carries a positive, negative or neutral charge. Positive perception and thought emit positive energy. Negative perception and thought emit negative energy. Neutrality makes a statement, but without either charge. For example, the following are responses to “How are you?” Positive response: “Great!” Neutral response: “Ok.” Or, “I’m having a day!” Negative response: “Miserable.”

In compliance with the Law of Polarity and the Law of Attraction, your perspective energetically communicates what you think and say is true, even when it is untrue. For example, if you say you are having a miserable day, you send the message that you are currently focused on being “miserable” and choosing miserable situations.

If you want a positive life, you must instill a positive perspective… no matter what you see, what you remember, what you imagine, even if it isn’t true in the moment. The way to change it is to believe it is true, imagine it as true, and act as though it is true.

This relationship between consciousness and reality is becoming clear through quantum physics, and is becoming the leading edge of the healing/spiritual movement.

How do you instill positive perception and thought?

Pay attention to your perceptions, and to their negative, neutral or positive content. Listen to yourself, and hear what you think and say. Experience how your perceptions, thoughts and words make you feel. Most importantly, when your thought is spoken or energized with emotion, it emits an even more powerful vibration that energetically solicits experience that replicates your intensity. Seek to understand this link to your power. Play with it. Watch the results. This is key to your success and freedom.

Do you remember hearing that Jesus knew that one of his disciples would “betray” him? Or that while he endured crucifixion, he said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do?” Or that to fulfill his destiny he had to relinquish family responsibilities? In those arduous heart-wrenching situations, Jesus maintained unconditional acceptance, trust and love. He neither polarized himself against, nor attached to, any external action or outcome. By maintaining this elevated perspective, he emitted the frequency of “yes,” and powerfully influenced the people around him.

These challenges called forth the highest response of which Jesus was capable. In the process, he set an example. He may earlier have overturned the money changer’s tables, but during his final arduous days, he embodied his belief, faith and values. When faced with grave adversity, he modeled his teachings. This is when he had the greatest impact. Hence, through this behavior, he left us specific his instructions. This was his legacy.

We, too, can do this in our lives now, though not by agonizing on crosses until our bodies finally give up. This isn’t our destiny, but we carry grievances toward the way life was, is, or ought to be. They interfere with our ability to adequately meet our needs and fulfill our dreams. Through the process of releasing these grievances, we experience our own version of crucifixion, and arise in consciousness.

A few grievances could be:

  • Your job pays well, but constantly imposes demands, limitation and intense stress.
  • You’ve held on to a marriage that has long taken more from you than it ever returned, and now you are a mere shadow of who you once hoped to be.
  • You endure a lack of respect and/or rejection from an estranged parent or child.
  • You carry resentments toward people who hurt you or never loved you.
  • You hold guilt from your early parenting, when you ignorantly repeated what was done to you.
  • You invested your life savings in a friend’s now bankrupt business, or perhaps in your own failing business.

Whatever your particular grievance, you mull circumstances or relationships gone awry, and your thoughts churn negative vibrations. This negativity shackles you in disappointment and pain, lowers your frequency, and renders success and freedom impossible.

Therefore, pay diligent attention to your perceptions, thoughts and verbal statements. Notice when you are experiencing a thought, feeling or emotion that causes you discomfort, even if slight. Be intent on recognizing when you contract and tighten from the feeling of your perceptions, thoughts, choices and actions. When you contract, there is a message. Look for it before proceeding.

Notice when others’ negative, blaming, and angry statements leave you feeling disheartened. Perhaps there are times when you wish they would stop talking, change the subject, or that you could just escape. If so, ask them if they would be willing to discuss the subject in positive, inspiring terms, or change to a different subject. If not, it is wise to excuse yourself. Failing to remove yourself from such negativity could result in leaving you feeling low, and needing time to recuperate and raise your energy again.

Mastering your mental and emotional states facilitates positive and lasting transformation, and uplifts you to the success and freedom that are your birthright. Your right, yes, but given only through your choice.

  1. How have your ideas and feelings about perception and thought developed or changed since you completed this activity, and what will you do as a result?
  2. Recall and describe the fears, resistances, or limiting perceptions that you experienced while completing this activity. List them in priority order and explain what you are ready to do about them.
  3. Reflect on the activity’s important points, and describe how you feel empowered.

My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.