You Are What You Eat

In today’s society there is such a different way of looking at food.

It seems that mostly today, and I say mostly, because I do not wish to generalize on any subject, but in the majority let me say, today many people eat out.  They do not have the time to prepare food so they eat out and this is OK if this is one’s choice. But like all choices it is wise to understand the total picture so that an informed choice can be made.

Today the food industry is a very large part of our economy and is powerful, so powerful that they can control the nutritional value in our food. When I say they are controlling the nutritional value, they are tampering with it in order to make us all fat, sick and unhealthy.

How? There are two main ways this is done. The first way is by adding chemicals to our food that make us crave more and more. The second way is by making our food taste good even when it’s not. Both methods have one thing in common – they satisfy hunger for a short time, but do not nourish your body.

One should consider, to look behind the scenes of many of your beautiful restaurants and eating houses and also to look at ones state of consciousness when one is preparing meals for the family.  In this case it is a definite case that ‘what is within is without.’  What your state of consciousness is, at the time of preparing the meal, also goes into the meal to go back again within.  It is a cycle.

If one is not conscious of how their food gets to their table, then this knowledge needs to be gained.  Fast food has a lot to do with the lack of health in people today. But this is not only in regards to fast food, but the fast life we are all living. We live in a world where the most valuable thing today seems to be money and material things over health and well-being.

The truth is that all of us, across the globe are dealing with it and suffering from it.

It is of such interest to me to observe the changes since my time.

This is the age of speed – fast food (even if it is in a restaurant) there is an expectation that food must be served in such a short time.  In this expectation there is a problem arising.  The kitchen staff, and Chef you call him/her, are in such an incredible state of chaos (what you refer to as being “stressed”) and the amount of adrenalin flowing would put an athlete in your time to shame – and they do this in order to get your food to you quickly.

Also in this time of speed it seems to be that there is a lack of attention given to where the food is coming from. One thought is that things are moving so quickly that attention is not given to where the food was sourced from – let alone how it was sourced.

For those that eat within the home, food is mostly something that just has to be done to keep the embodiment healthy. There is much information available on nutrition, but little available on the effects of energy in food.  Do you know, when your do not honor the food that will nourish your body, you are giving a message to the body with every mouthful that you do not care about it and that it is unimportant.

Know you, that this stress or negative energy is going into your food – directly by energy transference.  Food is a wonderful carrier of energy. This should always be remembered, that food carries energy very efficiently.  What you put into the food is what you also get back, so be very careful of how you prepare your meals.

Like most things in our world it has been commercialized.

If we would go far enough along the line, we soon come to realize that all living things are truly spiritual. Everything is alive and everything has consciousness. What we call “inanimate objects” are only that because they do not move or talk or act like humans – but they are still alive and have consciousness.

Not only the preparation of food but food as a whole should be considered.  Where it is grown and by whom is also important.  If it is grown with chemicals it must surely affect your energy but also consider this.  If it is grown organically by a person who is resentful and holds that energy for the lifespan of the growth, this is also going to affect your consciousness.  The state of mind of that person is going to go into the plant and then into your food.

This is important for all of us to know.

Understand not only do you put what you eat and drink into your body, but you also put in the energy or consciousness of the person that prepared it for you.  It is a complicated subject, but we humans in this time really need to be aware of this simple fact – we are what we eat and we are what we think. This alone can be an incredible tool to use as a healer or anyone working with others.

It is important in the 5th Dimensional consciousness to feel the energy in all food and to know whether it is something for your betterment.

Labels do not always tell the whole truth, and visually good may not necessarily be good for you.  Something labeled healthy for you may not be so if it is grown by persons in a state of lack, resentment or judgment.  For what the grower does in his energy, his attitudes, will also go into the product. This has to be considered.

I ask you to consider these words and when you do your shopping, your purchasing for yourself and/or your family, I ask you to take the time to feel the truth of what you are going to put in your bodies. It is not that the food is poisoned or has some negative thing in it, but it would have the consciousness of the person who is growing it attached to it.

I also ask you to honor all persons working in food preparation. They are doing their best to make a living and take care of themselves and their families. Sometimes they are not paid fairly for what they do, or they are under great stress. This all goes into the quality of your enjoyment. It must be considered by you in the decision of what you will eat and drink.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.