Your Inner Child And Your Indigo Child

For years my friend Jan Tober, co-author of The Indigo Child with Lee Carroll, has said that, among other things, the coming of the Indigo Children is a call for each of us to examine our relationship with our inner child. As I pondered that in recent days, I noticed that both words, inner and indigo contain the word “in”. How many times have we heard that the answers lie within each of us? Let us explore that.

I believe that if we each, in fact, have a good relationship with our inner child, we will be able to parent or teach the new children, no matter how challenging, with more grace and wisdom. Most of us were not parented as we would have liked. Most of us felt misunderstood, not safe, not heard, and often punished for things we did not understand. As a result, we have a wounded inner child who, for many of us, hides and occasionally comes out to create havoc to be noticed. It matters not how we were parented! What matters is that we now acknowledge, listen to, parent, and love our own inner self. When we begin doing that, we will find ourselves more balanced, whole, and free of confusion, thus more capable of making decisions for the highest good of all.

So just who or what is this inner child? Jelaila Starr at Nibiruancouncil recently wrote an article about the inner child. In her, article Jelaila states that the ego is the dark side of the inner child, who is the part of us in charge of the physical body. Another theory about who the inner child is coming from the Huna tradition. In Huna, it is believed that there are three selves, the lower or younger self, the middle or conscious self, and the higher self. For our purposes, we will focus on the younger self, which is synonymous with the inner child, although a little different from what most New Agers think. This younger self, or subconscious, communicates through symbols and figures, controls the physical body functions, is responsible for and, in fact, has perfect memory, is very literal, does not understand “not”, creates the life force from food, water, and breath, and is instinctive as well as emotional and intuitive. This definition is not so very different from Jelaila’s upon close examination.

Now, I do love synchronicity, and I want to share this one with you. At this point in my writing of this article, I put it down for a few days. During that time, I received in the mail my copy of the December issue of the “Sedona Journal of Emergence” magazine. In it is a channel entitled, “The Catalyst for Miracles” by Lee Carroll who channels Kryon, the Magnetic Master. I love Kryon and he is in great part the reason I am at Planetlightworker. In this channel, Kryon describes the absolute necessity of harmony between the three selves: the inner child, the adult, and the higher self. In the Christian tradition, these three are referred to as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. In reading the channel, I laughed aloud because Kryon’s descriptions are the same as those of the Hunas.

Feel free to read the Kryon channel, Jelaila’s article, and/or the very excellent book The Secret Science at Work by Max Freedom Long, describing the Huna method. Any of these will provide valuable insight into the world of the inner child and how to effectively access and work with this energy. I personally believe it is key to transformation, joy, peace of mind, evolution, and effective parenting.

I suggest you begin your communication with your inner child by creating a quiet, safe and relaxed time and space. I also suggest in the beginning that your words be spoken aloud and include a statement about your intentions to that part of you called your inner child. I also think it is important to clean the slate, so to speak, so tell your child that you are beginning a new form of communication with her/him. That you are sorry for all the times you didn’t pay attention, didn’t protect him, abandoned him, whatever comes to you that you feel this part of you wants and needs to hear. You may also wish to verbalize that you forgive her for all of the pain and suffering in the body as well as the blocks she has put in your life. Please do not rush this part of the process, since communication, clarity, and trust are crucial to success.

When you feel you have set the stage and are ready for dialogue, begin by asking verbally or silently what your inner child’s name is. Accept the first thing you hear, sense, or know, and don’t be surprised by anything. Continue this conversation with simple questions such as favorite foods, colors, whatever. In other words, spend time learning to communicate and creating an atmosphere of trust. As time goes on, you will be able to have more in-depth and meaningful conversations. It is your job to create safety for this child, as well as to assure her that she is loved and nourished. She will assist you greatly in creating joy, harmony, health, and well-being, and yes, even miracles if you will include her in your life.

At the very least, spend some time thinking about how you wished you had been treated as a child. These are important clues to loving and effective parenting, whether of your inner child or any child in your care. I can assure you that any effort you devote to this inner child work will reap great benefits for all. If you are being challenged by your Indigo, put these new skills to use for clearer communication. If you are a wonderful parent of your Indigo, think about what you are doing for him that you might not be doing for your own inner kid. Again, I cannot stress enough how important this work is in our own personal growth, as well as harmony in the home and the world.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.