Your Sentient Cells: Using Energy Medicine for Cellular Healing

How blessed you are to be on this planet. You are an energetic, spiritual being; brought into form by amassing of the energy of Spirit. Your job is to realize, as fully as you can, that you are, indeed, Spirit; and allow that to manifest and animate your life through your unique personality and body.

But what if you have been hit with a diagnosis? What do you do when your body feels chronically out of balance and the doctors – traditional or complimentary – cannot find answers? What do you do? How can energy medicine help you heal?

As I have come to understand various artful techniques of healing during my twenty plus years as a medical intuitive, healer and educator in the field of energy medicine, I have found it essential to address the issues at a soul and cellular level. You have to be able to move stagnant energy and bring about homeostasis within the energy field, as well as within the cellular structure of the body. So how do you do that from deep within the body temple? Let’s look at how you could apply energy medicine and bring healing to your cells. First though, you should have a basic understanding of the structures with which you are dealing

The human cell is composed of five main components:

Cytoplasm – made up of all the living material inside of the cell

Plasma Membrane – enclosing the cytoplasm & forming the outer boundary of the cell

Interstitial Fluid – bathing the cells in the body with a salt water solution

Organelles – specialized organs, or structures, that exist within the cytoplasm

Nucleus – containing the body’s genetic code

Each of these cell parts has a unique function, or multiple functions, which work synergistically to maintain the body’s balance and wellness.

When approaching cells intuitively, I first assess the cytoplasm. I discern this fluid’s texture, temperature and viscosity. I intuitively read and pay attention to the emotional and energetic intelligences within the fluid as well. The cytoplasm is the internal living material of cells. Therefore, it carries a multitude of information regarding the overall wellness and emotional intelligence of the cell; or the grouping of cells if you are intuitively looking at a broader level such as an organ or organ system.

For instance, if you find in your intuitive assessment that the cytoplast has the qualities of toxicity and heat; and that the cell membrane is shut down and holds the emotional intelligence of “not wanting anyone to be around”, you have an indication of imbalance. This scene can often play out when conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and even cancer are present. You want to balance these two components of the cell so that other cell structures, such as the organelles and nucleus, have a balanced interior environment in which to thrive and direct the cell’s functions.

You will be able to intuitively see, feel, hear, or know what is going on by simply asking. You may say something to effect of, What are the various conditions of this cell or group of cells? By asking you are seeking permission to intuitively enter into these sentient cells in a more precise way. The cell, as a whole or its individual components, will tell you its story, position and emotional condition. All of this information will lead you toward the healing path, bringing about balance once again.

In addition to the cytoplasm, one of the more important structures to intuitively assess is the cell’s plasma membrane. It is the gatekeeper of fluids, toxins and nutrition. The plasma membrane’s function is to provide a protective boundary for the cell, keeping it stable, whole and intact. When the cell is healthy the membrane functions as a communication device and an identifier for each individual cell. When conditions other than health exist within the cell’s membrane, it is could be time for the application of energy medicine to help restore health.

Here are a few steps you can take to start intuitively seeking information…

Intuitively ask the cell’s membrane, What is the primary emotion of the cell membrane? Also ask, What is its physical condition? In other words, what qualities does it show you? Is the membrane intuitively indicating a quality of stickiness? Is the membrane itself thick or thin? Is it too porous or does it have edginess to its emotional intelligence? Is it open to receiving? Or is it tightly shut down and expressing highly charged emotions that keep it from experiencing the natural ebb and flow of nutrition, fluids and energy?

Since everything is energy, you will focus on changing the frequency of the cell’s current condition by using your intuition, your centered Spirit and a clear intention. Clarity is power; and when you are clear about what you are dealing with (as far as the condition of the cell), you will harness the correct frequencies to provoke change and healing.

First, ground and center yourself. Do this by whatever means works best for you. That could mean that you meditate or pray for a few moments, seeking inner balance and clarity. Or you can visualize roots or cords of energy dropping down and connecting you with the earth. I was teaching a workshop not too long ago and a very sensitive woman noted that she visualizes chains dropping into the earth, grounding her body. Again, use whatever works for you.

Since your intention is to change the frequency of what is happening in the cell’s structure, call forth the energy (and this can come in the form of colors) that will elevate the current condition. Intuitively sense the new frequency flowing through the cells. Your job is to match the appropriate antidote to the current condition of the cell.

For instance, if the cell’s plasma membrane is closed and angry, ask the cell or one’s higher self for the antidote. Yes, the energy and frequency of love is, to me, the end all be all; however, this particular cell may need “freedom”, “joy” or “love”. Ask, and you will find what frequency is required. Then, by using your mind’s focus and/or hands, run the appropriate frequency, color or antidotal thought forms through the cell, the organ or body’s entirety.

By continually asking intuitively-driven questions of the body, you will know what to do in the moment. Be ready for change; you must allow your intuition to stay in its natural state of being nimble. Do not get stuck in one way of doing healing work. Pay attention and keep your spiritual ears, eyes and feeling nature open to new information and directions. Continue to run the energy through the body while holding your focus on the cells and the higher frequency of healing energy that is required in this moment. Most importantly, trust the process.

Never forget that even though you are a spiritual being, you have a body too. You, at times, will need to become a “spiritual mechanic” either for yourself or on behalf of another. To ignore the functions of the body is to deny a major part of oneself. It would be as ignore-ant as someone denying that their body houses their Spirit. You have to deal with the body in its environment. On earth, bodies and the laws that govern them rule! You are, more than likely, not quite ready to exist solely on prana. Be real. Be clear regarding all levels of dynamics that are present, and do not ignore one system over the other. Do not ignore the cell’s processes in order to simply enjoy the sensation of delicious energy swooshing through the body.

We all have the ability to channel healing energy. Your skill will be directed by your intention, attention and the fluid nature of your intuitive mind.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.