Children of the New Earth

The new kids are here! They mark the next evolutionary step for humanity, and those yet to come will be another step in that process.

Who are these “Children of the New Earth”? Let us speak first of the “Indigo Children,” so-called because a woman named Nancy Ann Tappe first observed that certain children had a new indigo life color in their auric fields. Many people are saying these children are special; I prefer to say that all children are special, but that these are different. The most obvious thing is that these children remember who they are; they remember other existences and often where they came from. They know that they have a purpose here on this planet and they feel like royalty they are.

Since these ‘Children of the New Earth’ were not born with the so-called veils that non-indigos have, they can often see the colors around living things, as well as life forms that the rest of us cannot see. Looking into the eyes of an Indigo, one feels as if one is seeing a wise old soul. Indeed, many of them are old souls on this planet, but there also are some Indigos who are actually first-timers here. They come with specialties; wisdom that will come forth at the appropriate time. These children come as “systems busters.” That is what they are meant to be and, as such, they don’t always fit well into established systems, which is why many of them simply refuse to participate. Traditional left-brained educational institutions do not meet their needs. Since they often see a bigger picture, they insist on a more creative approach to problem-solving, refuse to stand in lines, and do not wish to memorize and parrot back to their teachers.

Because the Indigo Children remember who they are, they don’t have the same self-esteem issues that others have. Parents and teachers cannot make them feel guilty or manipulate them. They see right through it and will call the adults on their stuff. Therefore, they simply cannot be patented in the same way their parents were. This can lead to much frustration on the part of both parents and children. It is strongly suggested that these children be treated in all ways with the respect that is due them. It is important to remember that they are still human children and, as such, still need guidance and age-appropriate limitation. Even so, they should be spoken to and treated with respect and dignity. Finding ways to offer Indigos choices whenever these are available is a surefire way of getting co-operation from them. They want to be acknowledged, listened to, and to be involved in some of the decision-making. Explain to them (without patronizing) how you feel, and what you want them to do and why. As one of my daughters says, “Don’t treat them like kids!”

For more comprehensive information, read The Indigo Children by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, a must-read for parents and educators, particularly those who have noticed that something different is going on, or if problems are arising. Some Indigos are being misdiagnosed with health problems, depression, ADD, etc., and this book offers much insight and useful information on alternatives to medicating.

At a recent meeting, I asked Lee Carroll when the Indigo Children first began incarnating here. He laughed and said, “Oh, about 35 years ago!” However, he went on to explain that the “pure” Indigos did not begin to arrive until after 1987. Their predecessors were forerunners who often had a very hard time of it in this world. In fact, some of them are no longer here. They felt very different, very isolated and alone like no one could see and understand them. Since Indigos often do not find their purpose until around the age of 26 or 27, it can appear as if they are just “hanging out,” unable to find their niche. The school did not work well for many of the early Indigos; they rarely found peers and their parents usually did not understand them at all. Much honor goes to these early Indigos who were the bridge between the old energy human to pure Indigo.

Most of the children being born at this time are Indigo Children. Their very presence en masse will break up the old paradigms. Many of the earlier ones are now adults, with the wisdom, tools, insight, and the specialties to create the new paradigms. This is what they are here for – to point out that which doesn’t work, to show us how to let it fall away, and to create anew. Allow these beings to be your teachers. Look into their eyes, listen to them, make space for them, and finally, make every attempt to look at the world through their eyes. Honor them, and I promise you that they will honor you in return.

While the Indigos were born to be ‘systems busters,’ there is yet another wave of children to be born who will become the ‘peacemakers.’ These are being called “Children of the Crystal Vibration” by some, and the “Avatar Children” by others. My information is that the first grouping of 11 of these children will be born as we move into the new millennium. These are the forerunners of yet another evolutionary step for humanity. It has only just recently become safe for children with these attributes to come forth. They will be fully realized beings calling forth peace, harmony, truth, and love. These first gentle beings are coming into carefully chosen families that will nurture them with these new paradigms in mind; paradigms that include conception and birth being conscious choices made by all involved. Please note the similarity of the words “crystal” and “Christ.” Are these children a great part of what is called the “Second Coming?” We make no reference to any religion here; the term “Christed” refers to a type of being; one with certain attributes that will soon become commonplace.

These two generations of children will completely change the face of humanity, as well as the face of the planet. Welcome them, create space for them, hold the ceremony – because these are indeed blessed times. Now!


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.