Give It Heart And Make It Real!

Life is energy. Inanimate objects such as rocks, trees, cars and tables consist of energy. The earth, space and the entire universe are filled with invisible, flowing energy, which is at our disposal, ever waiting to be called into form.…

The Power of Institutions

We may feel we have reclaimed our power in many areas of our lives but like it or not, we still live in a world where at times others will have the power to restrict our freedom. We do not…

Know Thyself!

It is my belief that the most important step to authentic re-empowerment is knowledge of the self. Remember the idea presented in part one that the infant possesses authentic power, which is gradually given away in exchange for external power?…

Where’s God?

My understanding of God is that IT is all knowing, intelligent, unlimited, the energy that at some point had the desire to experience ITself in as many ways as possible. That desire, in the form of thought energy – a…