Category Blog

Your Psychic Light Bulb

I believe we are all psychic in some form or another. Whether we have clairaudience, clairsentience or clairvoyance or simply are an empath, the question is whether we choose to utilize these gifts or not. When we choose not to use our…

Leading From Spirit

You are spiritual being. Spiritual identification has you detaching from the roles you play and allowing the Presence to express through you. When you come to this powerful place you lead well. You don’t have to worry about what to say…

Creating Structure In Groups

Today’s Great Leader is a servant. In the past, we served the leader. The great leader of today serves those he leads. You serve by creating a structure for success. When we speak of structure we are not talking about…

Finding True Freedom Through the Human Experience

All humans dream of freedom; you pray for freedom and will do anything to give yourself a taste of personal freedom and some times at any cost to yourself or another. But what does true freedom look and feel like? Many…

Clearing the Cobwebs

It is known by those of you who may be reading this, that humanity is evolving and up-grading to a higher state of consciousness. What this means is that the human body and mind, are being rewired. Your DNA is what…

The Blessing of Communion

To experience a deep connection with the Divine, with another person, or with one’s self is communion. Communion is intimacy and connection. In the Christian church, communion is a sacrament “that represents holy union with God and with the people…


People often refer to the ability to communicate well as a soft skill. There is nothing soft about being a leader who effectively communicates, nor is it the skill that makes you effective. Effective communication is a way of being.…

The Development Of the Ego

The Ego is a cloud-like illusion created by our thoughts, emotions, fears and beliefs. It is the source of all our personal and collective problems, pain, and suffering. Our desires and judgments about ourselves and others and identification with the past…

Celebrating the Present Moment

You already know how important it is to live in the present moment. But what does living in the moment really look like? Feel like? And, most important, how do you actually do it? Most of the time, our disconnection from…