Category Blog

Sound – The Hidden Matrix of Life

Traditions through the world consider sound the primordial substance from which all life emerged. The beginning of creation is described as a sonorous event, arising from the invisible realms of existence and through sound, descending into manifested form. From the first…

Running Your Holistic Business

There are many steps to take before you can actually start your holistic business. As this series or articles has progressed, we have discussed obtaining proper business licenses, developing business and marketing plans, planning a website and establishing basic financial requirements.…

The Healing Power Of Sadness

Sadness is a universal human emotion, a part of every day living. Although many of us view it as a dark cloud that should be avoided and denied, I believe sadness brings a gift of healing. Acknowledging our own sadness…

Is Revenge Bad Karma?

A good friends is writing a book about revenge and has asked for my comments regarding this topic. It certainly makes me consider the metaphysical ramifications of this rather powerful emotion. At first glance it seems quite reasonable to feel the desire…

Self-Healing For the Mind and Emotions

Feeling blue or anxious? Before you reach for the Zoloft or Xanax consider reaching inside yourself for the answer to what troubles you. Our bodies are adept at self-healing. This reality is witnessed daily in the broken bones, minor infections, upper…

Healing Relationships

Our personal relationships can be the source of our greatest joys… and our most devastating sorrows. Ever wonder how much time you spend enjoying your relationships and what percentage of our lives are entangled in the negative aspects of those…

Letting Go of Violence

If you ask most people what violence is, you will probably hear a definition that includes physical force. Physical abuse, assault, and rape may spring to mind. While all of these things are indeed expressions of violence, there are more…

Who Is Right?

I wrote recently about my struggle with the need to be right and how this plays into the push-pull of duality. When I wrote that article, I determined that I could be right as long as I wasn’t invested in…

Embrace Your Spirit

Making the shift From Ego to Spirit Every encounter, every interaction, and every experience carries a spiritual message – sometimes many messages. Don’t miss those. The problem is that most of the time we don’t want to pick up our…