Category Blog

Bring the Body Along!

I’m on a journey of discovery, digestion detection, to find the just right combination of food stuff that my body will thrive on. This is not a voyage I chose to go on (although, some would argue that on a…

The Law of Reciprocity

How often do you think about the things you want? If you are like most people, the answer is very often. Teenage boys think about teenage girls once every three seconds. Is it any wonder we have to cajole them to…

How To Be Present

Why is it hard to be present? No, I’m not talking about just being there. I’m talking about being aware of your existence and the experience of it. I try to savor moments and take time to relish in happiness and…


Ambient sound is all around us. The word ambient is derived from the Latin ambire – to go around. In English, it means all encompassing, existing or present on all sides. We move through it in our daily lives, sleep with it in our…

Setting the Laws in Motion

As most people begin embracing the Laws of Attraction, they’ll soon hit several stumbling blocks. They may have some great movement at first, but soon enough “real life” sets in, and the old patterns reemerge. Some new disappointment comes along,…

The Children Of The Crystal Vibration

Many questions arise regarding “The Children of the Crystal Vibration,” but there is very little information available on the subject at this time. Before I share with you what little information we do have, I think it’s important to stress…

Parenting In The New Energy

There are many differing opinions on the various kinds of new children who have been arriving here in the past 50 years, and who will continue to arrive into the 21st century. Many agree that the new children belong to…

Add Value to Your Vacation

Do vacations sometime leave you with a hollow, dissatisfied feeling? This lack of satisfaction can make the total effort seem scarcely worthwhile. Travel and tourism have become one of the largest retail industries in America. Billions of dollars are spent annually…

The Principle of Attraction

That desire that we have to be happy is basically a yearning to experience wholeness. While the human genome code may tell us why we have brown eyes, it cannot tell us why we long for certain things, why we…

The Principle of Creativity

In colloquial terms, we use the word creativity to mean that someone has the gift of artistry. It describes the ability to think up new or unusual ways of doing things – decorating a home, painting a picture, solving a…