Category Blog

How Can We Bring Magic Into Our Relationship?

That’s a really good question, for so many relationships, although stable and loving, are, well, on the flat side. What began as an exciting and stimulating life together somehow became predictable and “normal.” It is difficult if not impossible to…

Children of the New Earth

The new kids are here! They mark the next evolutionary step for humanity, and those yet to come will be another step in that process. Who are these “Children of the New Earth”? Let us speak first of the “Indigo…

Beyond Illusion: Why Live in Fear?

Spirituality teaches us to embrace love and not fear. Whilst this may seem simple enough, we seem to have such trouble in following this philosophy. This is because, on some level, we still do not understand the true nature of fear.…

What Is Perfection?

We hear these words constantly in spiritual truths but do we truly understand its grand meaning? A dove flying high in the skies conjures up an idea of perfection – but what about the slimy worm in the ground? Is this…

Decisions, Decisions

Each moment brings us face to face with possibilities – choices, various roads we can take. Yet most of the time we have such trouble specifying a path for ourselves. Why are decisions so difficult to make? By examining the causes…

God Is Simple

How often do you say that there is just not enough time in the day? Our calendars and To-do lists are full. Stress levels are out of control. In between caring for the kids, job, pets, spouse, and home, having enough…

Prosperity Consciousness

The basic truth of prosperity consciousness is, as you think and believe, so you become. Note that I said as you think and believe. This is a critical distinction. Thinking occurs in the conscious mind. This is the area where…

Let us Celebrate

Conscious of the changes already progressing, let us celebrate them and keep moving them forward through our thoughts and intentions and, most of all, our choices. We are amidst beautiful, changing times, as always. This we know for sure. Where…