Category Blog

Writers Tell the Truth

I think the major responsibility of any writer is to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Of course, it’s just their truth, but nonetheless, one must tell the truth without fear of judgment, rejection, or reprisal. No afternoon…

Getting Down With Now

Facebook. Can’t live with it. Can’t live without it. Our lives are being mutated by the wild and uncontrollable fornication between actual and virtual worlds. Who are their weird children who run all over hell and back? Do they come from…

Make Your “Pipe Dreams” Come True

I’ve believed ever since that living on the edge, living in and through your fear is the summit of life, and that person who refuse to take that dare condemn themselves to a life of living death. John H. Johnson…

Assume The Position

FOR MANY YEARS I HAVE HELD TO THE DREAM OF LIVING in Central Coast California. After visiting in 1994, my soul felt an instant connection that remained with me. Well, after wading through a sea of fears, I relocated from…

Finishing Unfinished Business

I’M NOTICING HOW DEEPLY PEOPLE have been changed by the events of September 11, 2001. Many have shared how their life has taken on a new meaning and how precious it has become; they express how they are no longer…

Letting Go

A well known principle of Thai-Chi is called “letting go” and this principle is key to understanding the philosophy behind the art. The simplest example would be that of the difference between the oak tree and the willow tree. In a…

Beyond Emotion

Emotional, complexity, feelings and expressions of anger, fear, desire, self-pity, pride, arrogance, hatred, envy, jealousy, resentment, possessiveness and aggression are generally accepted as being normal aspects of human behaviour. Few people question these, unless they become extreme. In an enlightened…

A New Age … A New Dimension

Until recently, death was the only way most of humanity could comprehend ascension. The reason is that traditional religions convey an incomplete understanding of spirituality and evolution, including that the soul dies with the body. Yet, a more reasonable proposition is…

Communication: The Key and the Obstacle

Many of us believing in all the angles, guides, masters and their messages of energies being unleashed upon the earth get vacant stares from people we love and respect when trying to explain these intricate universal laws we live by. It…