Setting the Laws in Motion

As most people begin embracing the Laws of Attraction, they’ll soon hit several stumbling blocks. They may have some great movement at first, but soon enough “real life” sets in, and the old patterns reemerge. Some new disappointment comes along,…

The Principle of Ecstasy

Understanding the words that point to spiritual principles requires a right brain/left brain balance. You cannot depend on the traditional left-brain use of a word while trying to comprehend its full spiritual implication. Ecstasy is no exception. According to the dictionary, ecstasy…

The Principle of Resistance

Resistance may be an unfortunate word to use describing a spiritual principle, as its ordinary meaning brings up harsh judgment and psychologically charged emotions. Its spiritual definition asks you to put those pre-conceived notions aside and consider a non-ordinary characterization of…

The Principle of Focus

Focus is the principle that you will be able to understand and contemplate whether you have it in your personal pattern or not. It is such an integral part of the human garment that it runs as a deep thread…