Category Daily Living

Learning To Be The Observer

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were ‘An Owner’s Manual For Human Beings’? A simple, easy to read book that you receive when you’re young about how to understand yourself better so you can live a happier and more successful…

Taking Time For Yourself

Time for yourself does not mean those few Nano seconds between when you get into bed at night and fall asleep. Time for yourself is not that moment you chance upon during a busy day when you suddenly and surprisingly…

Beyond the Shadows

We’re relentless in our self-defeating struggle to find lasting satisfaction in what is temporary, to find inner contentment in what is external. If we imagine that our happiness depends on another, we put an intolerable burden upon that other. Our…

Living Virtuously is Simple, Yet Not Easy

The choice to live virtuously is a radical departure from humanity’s customary motivation based on fear, survival, competition and might. Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has slowly evolved from barbaric modes of relating toward more respectful, ethical and loving…

Yes is a frequency

Since our human consciousness is formed within the governance of the Law of Polarity, we evaluate energy as either positive, neutral or negative. Negative contracts, resists and holds; neutral is detached, uncommitted and impartial; positive expands, flows and distributes. “Negative” linguistically…

Discipline and Truthfulness

Discipline. n. Training that is expected to produce a specified character or pattern of behavior; especially that which is expected to produce moral or mental improvement. [Latin discipulus, pupil, from discere, to learn.] Whereas discernment is a purely cognitive function, discipline often involves physical…


Wholeness and purity, like all virtues, are not easy states to attain in this world! Humanity, it can be said, is neither whole nor pure nor consistently principled. Rather, everyday we see the display of opposite characteristics – divisiveness, insincerity,…

The Evilness of Gossip!

The definition of the word “gossip”, in its origin, simply meant “news” and was not intended to be used as an “emotionally backed” act of retribution, or as a way to destroy people’s lives. So how is it that it…

Money Consciousness

I’ve heard it all before, as it has come from my vocal chords, and out of my lips. “I can’t afford it”, “maybe, when I get extra money”, “That’s too expensive, can I have a discount?”. People at this stage…

Four Steps to Joy

Can you recall learning to read? Your first success at multiplication? Think back, to the days of milk money, school Thanksgiving plays and the casual sadism of dodgeball. Now, do you remember your earliest training in mental health? Which of…