Category Ego

Managing the Daily Complexity of Work, Family, and You

How do we manage daily complexity? The most dominant feature of modern life is the pace we attempt to maintain. Compared with us when we were in school, our kids have a multitude of information to process, resulting in longer…

Open Up to Abundance

Practicing the presence of self is about observing the Divine in all things and people, despite appearances to the contrary. We are loved by others when we identify with our true self because spirit always recognizes spirit – we’re the…

Lightening Life’s Load

RECENTLY A FRIEND SHARED A CLASSIC example of how not to take life—or herself—so seriously: “The sun was bright, the air was warm and I was jogging briskly along a quiet road. As I pushed on, something caught my eye.…

Simply Aware

THE WORLD WE ARE BORN INTO AND LIVE IN IS THE COMPLETE opposite of our true nature. Why do so many of us feel as though we are aliens on our own planet, cut off from our family, friends, and…

A Return To Natural Time

ONCE UPON A TIME, most people lived in harmony with the cycles of nature. They were in tune with the flows of the earth and the cosmos and walked in step with this natural rhythm. They looked up at the…

The One Closest To You

Greetings! Greetings! Greetings! My Beautiful Beings Of Light. The rays of brilliance are gleaming from your Crown Chakras as you read these pages. Again we gather to celebrate you, the Universe’s Divine Light Warriors of Grace. The Creator surrounds each…

Gone Fishing

Greetings! Greetings! Greetings! and salutations My Beautiful Beings Of Light. Within this moment we join again to bring you The Creator’s Love. Allow this Messenger to channel The Creator love directly to you. Close your eyes, feel the presence of…

The Costume Party

The creator has sent to you waves and waves of the most profound Love Energy that you have ever received. Close your eyes and just allow the energy to wash over you again and again as long as you choose…

Getting From Here To There

Many greetings, my beautiful beings of light! It is so wonderful to be here with you this day. Thank you for reading the messages each month. My Beloveds just your participation in reading the messages raises both your vibrations and those…

What Is Perfection?

We hear these words constantly in spiritual truths but do we truly understand its grand meaning? A dove flying high in the skies conjures up an idea of perfection – but what about the slimy worm in the ground? Is this…