Category Ego

God Is Simple

How often do you say that there is just not enough time in the day? Our calendars and To-do lists are full. Stress levels are out of control. In between caring for the kids, job, pets, spouse, and home, having enough…

The Ego and the Consciousness Beyond It

The ego is the personality that the outer world sees, and is the actor in the drama of life. Most people go through life without asking who and what this ego is. They accept their personality as being their very…

Writers Tell the Truth

I think the major responsibility of any writer is to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Of course, it’s just their truth, but nonetheless, one must tell the truth without fear of judgment, rejection, or reprisal. No afternoon…

Beyond Emotion

Emotional, complexity, feelings and expressions of anger, fear, desire, self-pity, pride, arrogance, hatred, envy, jealousy, resentment, possessiveness and aggression are generally accepted as being normal aspects of human behaviour. Few people question these, unless they become extreme. In an enlightened…

A New Age … A New Dimension

Until recently, death was the only way most of humanity could comprehend ascension. The reason is that traditional religions convey an incomplete understanding of spirituality and evolution, including that the soul dies with the body. Yet, a more reasonable proposition is…

Communication: The Key and the Obstacle

Many of us believing in all the angles, guides, masters and their messages of energies being unleashed upon the earth get vacant stares from people we love and respect when trying to explain these intricate universal laws we live by. It…

Your Guides and Your Quest for Self-Empowerment

Whispers of spirits can be heard if one is attracted to such endeavors. If you have felt the need for more empowerment, the guides you possess are the answer to your problems of inadequate information and guidance. It is not difficult…

Journeying the Labyrinth: A Perspective and Meditation

Life on earth today is marked by events in the material world of physical, emotional and social reality that all experience; and the light world of portals, channeled messages, and rapid awakening that Lightworkers are experiencing. Increasingly more people are…