Category Ego

12 Keys To Abundance

The universe is abundant. It is in this sense that the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance are one and the same. We attract (not manifest) what we allow ourselves to feel, think, say, see, and do. Thus…

Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Orgasm?

Even though I’ve been studying, experiencing, and writing about sacred sexuality for years, a mist still surrounds tantra itself. The many tantra books I’ve read all seem to have different bottom lines. Some experts advise the man to avoid orgasm…

Living In The Reality Of Love

Love and fear are the two choices, and they appear in all our everyday experiences, moment-to-moment; so too does the choice of where we choose to place our loyalty. Are we aligned with love or with fear? This essential question…

Tantra And Sacred Sexuality

This series of articles on Sacred Tantra has addressed the history, evolution, and philosophy of this spiritual path and included references to the value of practices, especially giving attention to the breath and to meditation. I have spoken about the…

Tantra: Separation & Union

The Tantric path with its diverse ways and practices, developed long ago in several cultures, is emerging from a lengthy dormant period and now promises to flourish again. A new Tantra is being created, blending ancient and modern healing and…

The Alchemy of ConscioUS Evolution

Is potential what you’re born with … what’s in your genes, your upbringing, your soul? We’ve always thought this to be true. But now, in our open and expanded energy system, we can access levels of potential far beyond the…

Your Hands Are the Map to Your Life

Most of us take our hands for granted, never fully comprehending the enormity of this living “tool”. It is the human hand that has ensured our survival, and it is the human hand that has brought to life visions and…

FOR-GIVE-ness – the Gift to Your-Self!

Have you ever asked yourself what forgiveness means to you? When the Bible was translated from its original language of Aramaic, many words were lost in their translation. Forgiveness was just one of those words. In those days when a…

The Evilness of Gossip!

The definition of the word “gossip”, in its origin, simply meant “news” and was not intended to be used as an “emotionally backed” act of retribution, or as a way to destroy people’s lives. So how is it that it…

Easing Into The New Vibrations

With the Earth undergoing large vibrational shifts at this time, many of us are beginning to experience unprecedented shifts in our personal lives. These shifts are enabling us to bring into our lives people, places, and events that we may…