Category Healing

The Principle of Ecstasy

Understanding the words that point to spiritual principles requires a right brain/left brain balance. You cannot depend on the traditional left-brain use of a word while trying to comprehend its full spiritual implication. Ecstasy is no exception. According to the dictionary, ecstasy…

The Invitation

Can you imagine being given an invitation to the best offering of your life – an invitation to live heaven on earth? This invitation is being given to those who wish to accept unity and all this entails. A direct…

Help Your Children Design Their Lives

“What can I do that will most benefit the child in my life?” This is the question I am most often asked by parents, teachers, friends of children. With this writing, I shall revisit some of the most common advice…

Recall Your Origin of Joy: The Art of Stillness Meditation

The mere suggestion of meditation is very likely to irritate the ego. Pay close attention to such thoughts as “Oh, no! Not this again,” or “This doesn’t work, I’ve tried it for years,” or “Close the book, please.” You can…

Managing the Daily Complexity of Work, Family, and You

How do we manage daily complexity? The most dominant feature of modern life is the pace we attempt to maintain. Compared with us when we were in school, our kids have a multitude of information to process, resulting in longer…

A State Of Love

People seek God and enlightenment in many ways. There are a multitude of spiritual paths. Christians and Jews go to seminaries to study and become ministers, priests and rabbis. Buddhist monks study and meditate for years in order to become a…

Lightening Life’s Load

RECENTLY A FRIEND SHARED A CLASSIC example of how not to take life—or herself—so seriously: “The sun was bright, the air was warm and I was jogging briskly along a quiet road. As I pushed on, something caught my eye.…

Energies – Let’em All In!

Are you ready to live the life of your greatest imaginings? Well ready or not, here it comes, rushing toward you with the full force of a high powered steam train! All those years of putting out intentions and affirmations, writing…