Category Healing

A Global Network For Peace

No matter who we are, what cultural or religious group we belong to, or what nationality we are, we all, at the fundamental level, want peace. A peaceful state of being is our natural God given birth right. In our accelerating,…

Decisions, Decisions

Each moment brings us face to face with possibilities – choices, various roads we can take. Yet most of the time we have such trouble specifying a path for ourselves. Why are decisions so difficult to make? By examining the causes…

Let us Celebrate

Conscious of the changes already progressing, let us celebrate them and keep moving them forward through our thoughts and intentions and, most of all, our choices. We are amidst beautiful, changing times, as always. This we know for sure. Where…

A Call for Realization

Please do state that wellness is the fulcrum by which you wish to live your lives, and start on the journey to learning about finding your inner peace, your inner balance. True wellness comes from a relaxed, peaceful state of…

Know Thyself & To Thine Own Self Be True

As we live our lives, navigating our way through the various wavelengths available to us as playgrounds on which to create our realities and have our being, let us never forget that we are bound by our humanity—the blessed experience…

Walking with the Power of Love

What does love look like? In my work, I am able to see Love in the faces of my clients. Each person who has come to me for assistance in accessing more of themselves—more of the Love that they are—shows…

Progressive Enlightenment

Enlightenment sometimes seems like a slow, arduous process that takes great tenacity and perseverance. Enlightenment begins with what I refer to as “the awakening of soul consciousness”. How or why it happens to individuals is still that great mystery that…

The Golden Child Of Light

Within each of us lies a beautiful Golden Child of Light. We were each born to be this Child and some of us have worked for years with our inner child to restore it to this pristine place of power and…

Assume The Position

FOR MANY YEARS I HAVE HELD TO THE DREAM OF LIVING in Central Coast California. After visiting in 1994, my soul felt an instant connection that remained with me. Well, after wading through a sea of fears, I relocated from…