Category Healing

Yes is a frequency

Since our human consciousness is formed within the governance of the Law of Polarity, we evaluate energy as either positive, neutral or negative. Negative contracts, resists and holds; neutral is detached, uncommitted and impartial; positive expands, flows and distributes. “Negative” linguistically…


Wholeness and purity, like all virtues, are not easy states to attain in this world! Humanity, it can be said, is neither whole nor pure nor consistently principled. Rather, everyday we see the display of opposite characteristics – divisiveness, insincerity,…

Angel Number 123 Symbolism & HIDDEN Meaning

If you have received an angel number in your life, it is important to remember that these messages come with love and guidance from those on the other side. Pay attention to the specific details associated with each number as…

Angel Number 2222-SECRET Meaning & Spiritual Significance

Angels are a source of comfort and guidance for those who believe in them. They embody unconditional love and light and offer support on a life path to cultivate one’s spiritual development. Though they often work behind the scenes, sometimes…

Making A Quantum Shift In Recovery

In my own journey of healing and (actual) transformation, at some point, I had made a conceptual shift from an orientation wherein I was recovering from some wounding and dysfunction to a new paradigm in which I was actually recovering…

Spiritually Parenting Your Inner Child

Spiritually Parenting is the action of consciously being aware of our magnificence and the precious magnificence of our inner child, the children of our bodies and of the world. It is the integration of the innocence of the child within…

The Blessings Of Trust

Trust is deeper than LOVE. How could this be? Years of studying Tantra and what I call spiritual intimacy have led me to believe that without trust and a sense of safety, fear-based consciousness will contaminate love, and therefore unconditional…