Category Healing

Tantra In The 21st Century – Why Tantra?

Perhaps even before the “why” question is the “what” question: What is Tantra really about and what does it set out to accomplish? So the questions include not only, “What is Tantra?” but also, “What do I need to do…

Tantra And Sacred Sexuality

This series of articles on Sacred Tantra has addressed the history, evolution, and philosophy of this spiritual path and included references to the value of practices, especially giving attention to the breath and to meditation. I have spoken about the…

Tantra: Separation & Union

The Tantric path with its diverse ways and practices, developed long ago in several cultures, is emerging from a lengthy dormant period and now promises to flourish again. A new Tantra is being created, blending ancient and modern healing and…

Spiritual Tantra In This Modern World

Westerners, especially Americans, tend to be attracted to Tantra from either of two ends of what could be seen as a spectrum from sex to spirituality. Either they are drawn hoping to become better lovers and/or more sacred with their…

Awakening The Heart

It isn’t sufficient to develop the upward, ascending current of Kundalini energy; In order to truly open this heart of compassion, one must also build an alignment with the descending current until a higher consciousness begins to descend, infuse and…

Your Hands Are the Map to Your Life

Most of us take our hands for granted, never fully comprehending the enormity of this living “tool”. It is the human hand that has ensured our survival, and it is the human hand that has brought to life visions and…

Easing Into The New Vibrations

With the Earth undergoing large vibrational shifts at this time, many of us are beginning to experience unprecedented shifts in our personal lives. These shifts are enabling us to bring into our lives people, places, and events that we may…

Ego – The Owner’s Manual

On our way to remembering our true selves which is the point of being here, we have assistance from a variety of sources. Some are high on the vibrational energy scale, such as angels, guides, ascended masters, and our higher…

Mushen And The Matrix

There is a state of being where all barriers dissolve where grounded-centered concentration flows from your being as easily as our bodies move through the air. This place is called Mu-Shen, a Chinese word meaning mind-no mind. It is complete…

Money Consciousness

I’ve heard it all before, as it has come from my vocal chords, and out of my lips. “I can’t afford it”, “maybe, when I get extra money”, “That’s too expensive, can I have a discount?”. People at this stage…